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3rd Grade Overview

Page history last edited by Kristen Wiesenmayer 10 years, 11 months ago

Third Grade Overview


Big Question: How do communities change over time?


Core Classes

  • Social Studies: Students in third grade explore continuity and change within communities in the United States, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and Latin America. We take a look at the cultural aspects of different communities around the world and how these communities have changed over time. More...


  • Language Arts: The fiction and nonfiction novels our students read in third grade are tightly integrated with our Social Studies curriculum and focus on different historical figures who influenced the communities in which they live. More...


  • Math: Students spend time at the beginning of the year examining how numbers are the international language. They explore how number systems evolved in ancient communities... More...


  • Science: Students in third grade experience science through engaging activities, experiments, and investigations. In Science, students explore the world’s major communities, biomes. More:


Enrichment Classes

  • Spanish: Third graders continue to learn Spanish through music, games, and interactive learning. More...


  • Music: Third graders learn how to play the recorder while learning the music alphabet... More...


  • Visual Arts: The third grade Art curriculum focuses on helping students develop basic art skills, techniques, and terminology. More...


  • Dance:  Each trimester your child will learn about the elements of dance, principles of choreography and dance vocabulary through creative movement and improvisation. More...


  • Life Sports: Life Sports teaches the value of healthy living and the fun of physical activity in everyday life. More...  


  • Service Learning: Service Learning provides the students with monthly opportunities to be active members of the community. Third graders focus their service at Fifth Street Ministries in Mooresville. More...


  • Life Skills:  Life Skills is an enrichment course that covers real-life topics that are age-appropriate and prepares students on how to handle themselves during challenging situations that may occur on a day-to-day basis.  More...


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