Fifth Grade Life Skills
Instructor: Debbie Lolla
Curriculum Map, Class Page
Life Skills is an enrichment course that covers real-life topics that are age-appropriate and prepares students on how to handle themselves during challenging situations that may occur on a day-to-day basis.
Fifth grade students will determine what life skills are necessary to enhance their role in the world, what would it take to impact the world around them, and how to influence others in this world in a positive way. This will be accomplished while examining three unit themes: Bullies: why not to be one and how not to be bullied by one, developing your personal best qualities, and persevering through it all. Typically, fifth grade students are in a stage of transition from elementary school to middle school. This is a time in their lives when peer interactions are a critical part of their adolescent development. This Life Skills curriculum will provide a learning opportunity, in a non-threatening environment, of how to make good choices that will impact themselves and those around them when venturing out into the real world.
The unit on bullying will open up discussions about the forms of bullying, how it affects someone personally, and what can be done to prevent this from happening to you. The unit on developing your personal best qualities will focus on the importance of having healthy self-image, self-esteem, and overall self-confidence. Preparing fifth grade students with these skills now will encourage students to become more self-aware and in turn, deal with pressures that might lie ahead. Finally, this curriculum will culminate by using skills taught in previous units to fully appreciate a unit on what it takes to persevere through it all while at the same time, remaining flexible enough to handle life’s challenges. Students will learn how to set realistic goals for themselves that will ultimately help them achieve their personal best.
The Life Skills units will be presented through the use of thematic literature, journaling, and self-reflective writing. Role playing, skits, and open dialogues will also be a part of the Life Skills curriculum.
2008-2009 Life Skill Archives
2007-2008 Archives 5th grade Life Skills
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