Sixth Grade Overview
Big Question: What does it mean to be part of a society?
Culminating Project: A Successful Society - Throughout the year, in all subject areas, students investigate this question. While studying the elements that make up European societies, the students discover positive as well as negative aspects. Applying what they have learned throughout the year in Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Math, Spanish, and Visual Arts, the 6th grade students engage in decision-making and problem solving to create their own successful society.
Core Classes
- Social Studies: In 6th Grade Social Studies students experience the “Greatest Hits of European History” to gain a sense of what life was like in societies of Europe’s past and how history has influenced European societies and world societies today. More...
- Language Arts: In Language Arts, students uncover the roots of Western literature. Beginning with Greek mythology, students will be asked to analyze how stories reflect societies, as well as how stories have been used as criticism of flawed societies. More...
- Math: In mathematics, students examine how our basic number system and measurement units have helped to define our society. They will see the impact of systems of measurement on a society by studying the Metric System and the French Revolution. More...
- Science: 6th grade science studies ecology by examining important biotic and abiotic elements of the natural world. More...
- Spanish: In Spanish students discover who speaks Spanish in the world by studying the geography of Latin America. More...

Enrichment Classes: Art of Living
These classes enrich the learning experience through a variety of topics and activities that support a healthy, creative, purposeful, and simpler life.
- Visual Arts: The visual characteristics of a work of art are often influenced by the society in which it was created. In art class, students are asked to consider the visual arts in relation to European history and societies. More...
- Service: 6th grade service learning focuses on becoming Animal Advocates. Students participate in a variety of activities that allow them to learn about wild and domesticated animals and how to help protect them. More...
- Dance: In dance class, students learn about the elements of dance, principles of choreography and dance vocabulary through creative movement and improvisation. Students convey academic concepts from their core subject areas through interpretive dance.
- Gardening: Students learn invaluable lessons about earth’s cycles, soil enrichment, growing vegetables organically, and the value of hard work. In the fall students will grow one vegetable from seed with the intention of preparing a dish from it. They will care for the crop by watering, weeding and then harvesting it. Students then prepare a dish from the vegetables they have grown.
- Computer Basics: This class helps students manage their time more efficiently as they become more proficient in their keyboarding skills, and more familiar with basic tools available in Microsoft Word and Excel. Students practice and apply what they are learning to current class assignments.
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