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First Grade Social Studies Overview

Page history last edited by Tracy Hoskins 9 years, 9 months ago

First Grade Social Studies

Instructor:  Tracy Hoskins



Curriculum Map  Class Pages


Essential Question:  What is a community?


First graders focus on communities. Communities are groups that live, work, and play in the same general area, have things in common, and depend on each other. Through projects, field trips, and service learning, they come to understand how a first grader can be involved, participate, and be an active member of the community. There is an emphasis on identifying rules and responsibilities of good citizens.  The main topics we cover in social studies are community, geography, the post office, and inventors.  First grade service learning focuses on pet care and service animals.  We visit and support the Cornelius Animal Shelter, receive visits from Highland Canine Training, meet therapy assistance dogs, and tour Brawley Animal Hospital.      



2009-2010 First Grade Archives

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