Kindergarten Overview
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by Kristen Wiesenmayer 11 years, 3 months ago
Kindergarten Overview
Kindergarten Essential Question: Who am I and what is my role in the community?
Core Classes
- Social Studies: This year in Social Studies, Kindergarteners focus on building their community within the classroom and at school right from the very first day. Together they write their classroom promises which is a list of rules, expectations, and promises that they make to each other this school year. More...
- Language Arts: This year in Language Arts, Kindergartens explore several authors throughout the year. Author Kevin Henkes kicks off the year with his books entitled Chrysanthemum, Owen, Sheila Rae, the Brave, Chester, and Jessica. More...
- Math: This year in Math, Kindergarten children explore the meaning of numbers. Through patterns and estimations, we learn that almost any math equation can be solved. More...
- Science: This year in Science, students in Kindergarten become familiar with the world around them. They learn best by observing and using their 5 senses. More...
Enrichment Classes
- Spanish: Spanish is introduced to students in Kindergarten through music, games, and interactive learning. More...
- Music: Kindergarteners learn the basics of singing and rhythm. They learn simple tunes and voice technique. Playing simple instruments such as the sticks also reinforces rhythm. Kindergarten learn best through song so they sing their abc's and their 1,2,3's. Students also sing songs about the days of the week, months of the year, and holidays we all love.
- Visual Arts: The Kindergarten Art curriculum reinforces basic art concepts, as well as, creative problem solving and collaborating skills... More...
- Dance: Each trimester students learn about the elements of dance, principles of choreography and dance vocabulary through creative movement and improvisation. More...
- Life Sports: Life Sports teaches the value of healthy living and the fun of physical activity in everyday life. More...
- Service Learning: Kindergarten students become contributing members of the community through service. They learn the importance of service at home, at school, and in their community.
- Life Skills: Life Skills teaches students in Kindergarten to deal with daily issues such as how am I feeling today? More...
Kindergarten Overview
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