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Kindergarten Music Overview

Page history last edited by donna@... 12 years, 10 months ago

Kindergarten Music

Instructor: Donna Early


 Curriculum Map    Class Page  

Kindergarten music is so much fun!  Kindergartners learn best through song and dance, so we will put to music everything we are learning! We'll sing our abc's and our 1,2,3's.  We'll sing songs about the days of the week, months of the year, and the holidays we all love. We'll use singing, rhythm, dancing, marching and more to reinforce their academics!  While we are singing about everything we are learning about, we'll be learning music technique. Kindergartners will learn the basics of singing and rhythm. Playing simple instruments such as the sticks and egg shakers will help reinforce rhythm. Kindergarten class plays and performances will happen throughout the year, so we'll be learning songs to bring those performances alive for our parents.  Our lower school music program will also include a Fall/Christmas performance and a Spring performance that we call Night of the Arts. The entire lower school will display our art work and perform our musical talents for our families. We have a full year of music, learning and fun!   


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