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Page history last edited by Beth Helfrich 10 years, 8 months ago

AP Spanish Literature and Culture


Instructor:  Hahna Hayden

Email:  hhayden@woodlawnschool.org 


Course Syllabus

Class page




Course Overview: 

In the AP Spanish Literature classroom, students will read from a broad spectrum of works written in various times and places and representing different literary genres.  Students taking the exam will be asked to perform specific types of tasks after months of analyzing the works on the reading list under their teacher’s guidance. Students who are ready to attempt the AP Exam will have acquired an in-depth familiarity with all of the works on the list, and in order to do well they must command a variety of skills. First of all, they should be prepared to write timed analytical essays. This may involve analyzing how a given theme or topic is treated in one work, or comparing such a treatment in two works from the list. Or, students may be asked to respond to critical commentary about one of the titles on the list. They should also be able to provide short answers to two or three open-ended questions about an excerpt from one of the prescribed works. Other sections of the exam ask students to write a timed essay in which they analyze a poem not on the list. In another, they must have the vocabulary, comprehension, and analytical skills that will permit them to read withouta dictionary passages from works not on the list and to answer multiple-choice questions about them. Such questions most often require students to be able to identify literary techniques and to make inferences about the passages presented.


Text:  Azulejo:  Anthology & Guide to the AP Spanish Literature and Culture Course

          Abriendo Puertas:  Ampliando Perspectivas




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