
Middle School Fitness

Page history last edited by Laine Amortegui 9 years, 5 months ago

Middle School Fitness Overview


Instructor: Vicky Arrington / Kim Atkins


Middle School Fitness focuses on a combination of active movements, conditioning  and sports training. An emphasis is made on the development of each student's individual strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. Students learn the importance of body balance while strengthening all muscle groups through targeted exercise and varied workouts.



Fall Winter  Spring 
6th Grade 

Proper stretching and exercise techniques

Cardiovascular Workouts

Strength and Flexibility Training

Games - Cooperative and Competitive

Introductory Volleyball, Soccer and Yoga related activities

Three Assessments- sit-ups, push-ups, mile run, shuttle run and plank

Proper stretching and exercise techniques

Cardiovascular Workouts

Strength and Flexibility Training

Introductory Basketball & Football related activities 

Jump Rope for Heart

Two Assessments- sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, mile run and plank


Proper stretching and exercise techniques

Yoga: proper form, alignment, arm balances and flexibility. 

Throwback games- kickball/basketball, pigball, speedball 

Two Assessments- sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, mile run and plank

7th Grade 

Proper stretching and exercise techniques

Cardiovascular Workouts

Strength and Flexibility Training

Games-  Cooperative  and Competitive Intermediate Volleyball, Soccer and Yoga related activities

Three Assessments- sit-ups, push-ups, mile run, shuttle run and plank

Proper stretching and exercise techniques

Cardiovascular Workouts

Strength and Flexibility Training

Intermediate Basketball & Football related activities

Jump Rope for Heart

Two Assessments- sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, mile run and plank


8th Grade 

Proper stretching and exercise techniques

Cardiovascular Workouts

Strength and Flexibility Training

Games- Cooperative and Competitive

Mastery- Volleyball, Soccer and Yoga related activities

Three Assessments- sit-ups, push-ups, mile run, shuttle run and plank

Proper stretching and exercise techniques

Cardiovascular Workouts

Strength and Flexibility Training

Mastery Basketball & Football related activities

Jump Rope for Heart

Two Assessments- sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, mile run and plank







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