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Kindergarten Math Overview

Page history last edited by Nyasha Grennan 13 years ago

Instructor: Nyasha Grennan

Assistant:  Ashley Dashputre


Curriculum Map  Class Pages


This year in Math, Kindergarten children will explore the meaning of numbers.  Through patterns and estimations, we learn that almost any math equation can be solved.  Using the 100's chart, we recognize and understand numerals to 100.  We also understand more than and less than.  We learn to write numerals correctly and we understand how to add and subtract numerals to 10.  We learn all about ordinal numbers, how to tell time, and we can identify money values. We can even read number words and solve some simple word problems. Solving mental math problems will also be a major component.  Teaching children the strategies to solve numerous problems will be key in their success to understanding the math language.

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