7th Grade National History Day Project Guidelines 2014-15
THEME: "Leadership and Legacy in History" with focus on leaders in Africa, Asia and the Middle East (must be 25 years ago or more)
- _______ By Monday, December 15, 2014
- Select 2 topic ideas
- Meet with Ms. Robinson to select final topic
- Over holiday break, read a book, watch a movie, or visit a historic site relating to your topic's time period to get historic context.
- _______ On Monday, January 5, 2015- Friday, January 9, 2015
- Research Who? What? When? Where? Why How?/Historical Context
- Have at least 5 sources by this date written on note cards or a GoogleDoc.
- Sources (excluding websites)should have title, author, editor, city and date of publication, volume number/page number. Websites should have author, article title, website title, publisher of website, date of publication, date article was accessed. Use EasyBib or Purdue Owl to create citations.
3. _______ On Wednesday, January 14, 2015
- Have thesis in final form.
- Complete an outline of your NHD paper by Friday, January 16.
- Begin annotated bibliography
4. ________ On Thursday, January 16, 2015
Field trip to Main Library (tour and research)
- Tour library
- Conduct additional primary source research
- Add credible sources to annotated bibliography
5. _______ Due Wednesday, January 28, 2015
- Have the rough draft of your NHD paper printed and ready to turn in.
- Add 3 additional sources (a mix of media) to your annotated bibliography
- Have a working annotated bibliography, or one that is up to date with all of your sources thus far, to show your teacher. Update annotations.
6._______ Due Monday, February 2, 2015
- Have your title page and annotated bibliography completed.
7._______ Due Friday, February 6, 2015
- Final copy of NHD paper due. Have the following printed and ready to turn in:
a. Two copies of Title page
b. Two copies of final NHD paper
c. Two copies of final Annotated Bibliography (citations should be separated into Primary and Secondary Sources)
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